Outlook for US Home Prices Dims

  The results of the latest Zillow Home Price Expectations Survey are in: the panel’s expectation for U.S. home values fell to a 3.4 percent average annual rate for the five-year forecast horizon in Q3. This is the first time in 18 months that this proxy for experts’ housing market sentiment has weakened, and it’s…

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Reigning Renters

  Experts are split on whether the inventory of renter-occupied homes will continue to increase at a significantly faster pace than owner-occupied dwellings in the coming 1-2 years. According to the latest Zillow Home Price Expectations Survey (released this morning), 44% of 103 expert panelists who expressed a view on the topic believe that current…

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Home Affordability Conundrum

  The latest U.S. Housing Confidence Survey finds that two-thirds (66%) of renters in 20 large metro areas are confident, or somewhat confident, that they will be able to afford to own a home in the future. This is encouraging–especially given the lack of real (inflation-adjusted) wage growth in recent years, tight mortgage credit market…

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