Lower Expectations Dent Housing Confidence

  According to the vast majority of 10,000 heads of household who participated in the latest U.S. Housing Confidence Survey conducted by Pulsenomics, prevailing real estate market conditions are healthy, and in most major metropolitan areas, have continued to improve. However, expectations concerning the housing market–while still positive–have reversed course since the start of the…

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Open House Mayhem: Will it Last?

  Perhaps there are glimmers of hope for anxious would-be home buyers frustrated by the dearth of existing inventory in many real estate markets (consider this CNBC report today). The January 2015 U.S. Housing Confidence Survey (HCS)–the same survey cited in the CNBC report, and from which The Zillow Housing Confidence Index is derived–reveals that,…

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In Some Pricey Housing Markets, Selling Sentiment is High

  Latest U.S. Housing Confidence Survey: the majority of owner-occupied household heads across 20 large metro areas says that now is a good time to sell a home. However, a geographic analysis reveals significant disparities. Note: most of the cities with a below-average number of homeowners who agree that now is a good time to…

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